Himachali Song Lyrics In Hindi
Welcome to Himachalisonglyrics.com, we provide in our site lyrics lyrics of Himachali (Pahari) songs with the meanings of those songs in simple Hindi language. Which is written and translated by our professionals. All the photos and videos used on our website Himachali Song Lyrics have been used from social media platforms to make reference only to the given song. We do not own the copyright of any photo or video.
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Our mission
Himachal is a beautiful region and its beauty is folk songs and music of Himachal. However, Himachal has no history of classical music. But there is a lot of rituals and folk songs sung everyday.
The main objective of our website Himachali Song Lyrics (Himachalisonglyrics.com) is to spread these folk songs and music in Hindi in our Indian national language, in the coming generations. In our mission, you also want to join us or you like a Himachali song but if you are not getting its lyrics, then you can connect with us.
Please provide lyrics of Himachal folk songs udi jaaye kalyea kaaga and sandeya
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